"Great Leadership Drives Great Results"

Liz Gilchrist Coaching...
Dedicated to Your Success
Effective Leadership is the most important element for achieving success in business. In fact, the most effective way to change the performance of a team or business is to change the leader!
"Great Leadership Drives Great Results"
However – we don’t have to physically change the individual, because focussed Leadership Coaching can unlock the potential within…. that’s where I come in.
I help you find the key that will unlock the most effective you – where you show up every day, fully focussed leading with purpose, creating a culture that motivates and empowers all to collectively achieve brilliant outcomes.
Want to find out more? Have a look at the services below and contact me to find out how I can unlock the potential in you.
My Development...
Investing in Excellence
I believe investment in Personal Development is critical. When investing in my own development, I consider what would make me the best consultant to support you.

The Executive Coaching Diploma gives innovative and creative ways to support you to unlock potential.

IC Certified Scrum Master and IC Agile Coaching means I am ready to help uncover new and more effective ways of working.

Climate Coaching
The investment in Climate Coaching helps me understand blockers and be ready to help you engage in a way that is meaningful for you.

My studies in Manufacturing and International Trade helps me really understand your Operational aspects, whilst my Advanced Diploma in Credit means I also understand your financial drivers!
These qualifications are coupled with 20 years’ experience of working with leaders and SMEs on a daily basis.
What My Clients Are Saying